
Daniel Chester

Associate Chair of Computer and Informational Sciences

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Daniel L. Chester is an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Delaware. He received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, all in Math, from the University of California at Berkeley. He has published numerous papers on artificial intelligence in various proceedings, journals and books. The topics of these papers include natural language parsing, text generation, expert systems (particularly in connection with on-line fault analysis in a chemical processing plant), robotics, analogical reasoning, optimization, neural networks, software development, and bar chart and line graph analysis. He frequently writes reviews for the ACM publicationComputing Reviews. He is a co-inventor on six patents. He is currently consultant to two startup companies, one of which he co-founded. Related to this consultant work, the bookOptimal Automated Process Fault Analysis, which he co-authored, will be published in January 2013.Dr. Chester is associate chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Delaware. He is currently working on projects that combine computer vision and natural language processing, including the understanding of charts and diagrams and associated text, and in applying artificial intelligence methodology to game theory. He is working with a student on efficiently generating strategy programs to make computers be entertaining opponents in games where both the human player and the computer move simultaneously, which is more applicable to modern video games than the approaches used for the more traditional turn-based games. His research in the last five years is unfunded.