
David C. Wilson

Professor of Political Science
Senior Associate Dean for the Social Sciences

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


David Wilson is senior associate dean for social sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences, and a professor in the Department of Political Science & International Relations at the University of Delaware.  He also holds joint appointments in the Department of Psychology, and the Black American Studies (BAMS) program, and with UD’s Center for Political Communications.  He studies American Politics (political behavior) and Survey Research Methodology (context effects), and teaches courses in data and statistical analysis, public opinion, political psychology, and applied survey research.Wilson’s research focuses on how individuals use racial, gendered, and other social group information to formulate their expressed public opinions and attitudes. In American politics, this includes examining the ways in which group cues influence public opinion.  In the area of survey research, he focuses on interviewer effects, question order and wording effects, survey experiments, and the role of social desirability in survey response.Wilson’s current work projects include examining resentment, communication framing and question order effects, the valence of measuring group attitudes, and public opinion toward felony voting rights and voter ID laws.Prior to his position at UD, he served as a Senior Statistical Consultant with The Gallup Organization in Washington, DC, and a Consultant with SPSS, a statistical software company.  Wilson earned a B.A. degree in Government from Western Kentucky University, and a M.PA. (Public policy and administration), M.A., and Ph.D. in Political Science from Michigan State University.Originally, from Nashville, TN, Wilson resides in Bear, DE.  He enjoys spending time with family, traveling, hiking, road bike cycling, and racquetball.