
Janis A. Tomlinson

Director of Special Collections and Museums
Professor, Art of Spain

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Janis Tomlinsons books include studies on the art of Spain and on the artist Francisco Goya and have been translated into Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. In 2001-2 she was the U.S. curator for the exhibition, Goya: Images of Women, a partnership of the Museo del Prado and the National Gallery of Art, Washington. She has contributed to Goya exhibitions arranged by institutions worldwide, including the Museo del Prado (Madrid), MUNAL (Mexico City) and the Nationalgalerie (Berlin) and has curated exhibitions on a wide variety of topics. Dr. Tomlinsons awards include fellowships at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and with the Guggenheim Foundation and the American Council of Learned Societies. A graduate of McGill University, she earned her MA and Ph.D. in the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania. She has been Director of University Museums at UD since September 2003.