
Tara Trammell

John Bartram Assistant Professor of Urban Forestry

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Tara Trammell is a research ecologist and the John Bartram Assistant Professor of Urban Forestry. Trammell leads the Urban Ecology Lab in the Plant and Soil Sciences Department, which conducts research on understanding human impacts on plants and soils in urban environments. In the Urban Ecology Lab, a variety of field, lab, and modeling techniques are used to understand controls on plant species composition and diversity and to assess changes in plant-soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in urban ecosystems. Research projects include examination of management impacts on lawn C and N cycling and non-native plant invasion and sea level rise impacts on small forests. As the global urban population continues to rise, the necessity for greenspaces in cities and towns to provide ecosystem services expands. Trammells research program and publication record, over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles and eight invited book chapters, focuses on understanding how global environmental change, such as urbanization and plant invasion, alters terrestrial ecosystems embedded within urban, suburban, and exurban landscapes.